**JOSH: I'm pretty sure you don't read this, but if you've somehow stumbled across this post DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER. It's dress-related. 'Nuff said.**
My first alteration appointment was last week and it was just fabulous. It was my first time trying on my dress since September and I really hoped it still fit. Well, it "fit" in the sense that I could zip it up. It did not, however, "fit" in the sense that I could sit down. Yeah um, I'm a few pounds heavier now than when I ordered it.
Anyway, let's not dwell on that.
The seamstress is taking it out in the hips (yay I can sit!), taking it in in the back/bust (yay no more gaping!), and didn't have to do a THING to the hem. My height (5'5") coupled with my heels (about 3 inches) made me the perfect height for the dress. So excited about that.
I know you're all "Blah blah don't care show me pictures," so here are a few from the appointment.
Mmm pretty....
As the always eloquent Shakira once proclaimed: my hips don't lie.
Although sometimes I wish they did.
All up in my biz perfecting the bustle.
Seriously, this woman is a magician.
It sort of looks weird here, but my bustle is AMAZING.
I almost want to wear it bustled all day.
My mom ordered a bridesmaids dress for her wedding day attire so she had her alterations appointment that day, too.
She's adorable.
Again, this seamstress is a magician and said both dresses would be ready in 2 weeks. Uh...that's freaking fast. Hopefully next time I try on my dress I'll actually be able to sit.
How much alteration did your dress require? Was it a painless process or a never-ending saga?