Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And away we go!!

If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen some recent tweets about "big news" or "big changes" going on in my life. Well, I'm excited to FINALLY announce that...
We're moving!!

Ha, you thought I was gonna say "pregnant," huh? Def not.

Josh and I have been discussing leaving Ohio for quite awhile now and that dream is finally being realized. The job market in Northeast Ohio is abysmal and it's just time for a change. At first we thought about North or South Carolina, but after a few serious discussions we settled on the DC area. We know a good number of people out there and Josh's sister moved to Maryland a year ago, so it really was a no-brainer.

Recently Josh has been a bit unhappy with his current job and decided to start applying for jobs in the DC area. I told him if he got a job before the wedding that I would stay back and he could move out there without me. Well, he applied, interviewed, and got a job! So that means I'm moving back in with my mom for a few months and we'll be apart for the last 2 months before the wedding. No worries, though. We've done long distance before, I'm not worried about doing it again. 

It will definitely be a bit of a struggle, but I know it's temporary and it's the best decision for us. I just can't wait to get out there and get a J-O-B!

Have any of you gone through major life changes immediately before or after your wedding? Any advice?


  1. ohhh! Good luck with the move! I think its great that you'll be starting a "new life" together as you start your life together as a married couple. I'm glad you two decided to go for your dreams and I'm so excited for you!

  2. Congrats and good luck! How exciting for you guys...what a wonderful new adventure to embark on! :)

  3. Congrats lady! I had a few friends just move to MD right outside DC and they love it! Best of luck!!

  4. my {now} husband and I fell upon a great steal of a deal for a home to purchase RIGHT before the wedding. This was something we were not planning for before the big day and our destination wedding, but something we would be kicking ourselves for for the rest of our lives if we didn't do it- so we BOUGHT A HOUSE the same month right before we were married! I really dont suggest it but if you have everything all in a row for the wedding day {which we did} everything works out, and it did work out PERFECT- now after our wedding when we are just exhausted we have no time to rest we are VERY busy moving into the new home and preparing our townhouse {house #2} for the quest of finding new tenants. Good Luck! The time spent apart before the wedding will make your wedding day/night that much more magical, really! :)

  5. How exciting! Ryan and I are looking to do the same deal, I just hope he lands a job! Best of luck my friend!

  6. congrats to you guys! yes, it will be tough, but ultimately it is going to be EXCITING! Change is a fucking great thing-- and i realize that doing it during a wedding is extra tough, but you will get through it with balls blazing. Go you guys for taking the leap. Keep kicking ass, Em. 'Cause you rock.

  7. How exciting for you guys! Congratulations!

  8. Congrats! The only thing that bums me out is that we no longer live in DC, I totally would be your friend if we were still there! Do you know if you guys will be in DC or over the border in VA or MD? I know a little about District living but also lived in Arlington for six months. Let me kn ow if you have any questions about the area!

    March 9, 2010 1:25 PM

  9. you already knew my excitement for you but now i can publicly say... YAYYY CONGRATS! :)

  10. Great news! Such an exciting time...and 2 months will fly by...especially with all of the last minute wedding details!

  11. Awesome, congrats! We are moving in two months, and I have to find a job there... so scary! But it's kind of exhilarating, too, isn't it? Good luck in finding a job!

  12. Congrats! We'll hopefully be in Capitol Hill Starting in April. :)

  13. This is supserrrr awesome great news! Although I'm sad you won't be close-ish anymore :( Congrats to you guys! Tweet me since I know people in the area to maybe help you find a job!

