Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Idea stealer!

That's me, I'm totally a blog post idea stealer. Over on Weddingbee they've started a "Relationship Series." The first post prompts readers to respond to the following:

When I was young I thought I'd be married at age ____. I actually got married at age ____. This worked out better/worse for me because ____.

Here is my response.

When I was young I never even saw myself getting married, and if I did think about it, I didn't think it would happen until I was well into my late twenties or early thirties. My mom raised me as a single mother who never married my dad (or anyone else for that matter.) My dad didn't have the best relationship with his wife (my now ex-stepmom). My grandma is a widow. I never really had any solid examples of marriage growing up. I figured I would go to college, get a job, date here and there, and someday have a kid...somehow. It's funny that I always saw myself being a mom, but never really saw myself being a wife.

I'll actually get married at age 24. It's kind of crazy when I think about it. I really do think that 24 is very young to get married. So why am I doing it now instead of later? Simply put, I'm ready. I've always been a little mentally "older" than a lot of my peers. It probably stems from growing up surrounded by adults and being treated like an adult starting at a very young age.

Marrying at a young age has it's pros and cons. Miss Star outlines them nicely in her series "Adventures of a Young-ish Bride." For me, however, the best thing about getting married young is that I'll be able to enjoy being married before I have kids. Josh and I (mostly I) don't want to start trying to conceive (or TTC as That Wife puts it) until I'm 29 or 30. Getting married at 24 will allow me to establish a career, travel, move (a post on this coming up), and mentally prepare myself for having children. I know I'm way too selfish right now to even start thinking about taking care of a baby. Essentially, I want to enjoy the hell out of my 20s and plan to do just that with my hubby-to-be!

Also, thanks to my girl over at Life, Love & Mawwaige! for giving me the idea of writing my own blog post about this. Told you I'm a major idea stealer!


  1. I'll be 24 too! We feel the same way about wanting to be able to have some time to ourselves before we start TTC.

  2. Aw. thanks for the love! =) Idea stealing is totally a-ok!
